Car Interior Cleaning Liquid

Product Detail

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Car Interior Cleaning Liquid



It is a very powerful, effective and fragrant product for deep cleaning of fabric, vinyl, leather upholstery, carpets and plastic parts inside the vehicle. It removes unpleasant odors and provides hygiene.

Car Interior Cleaning Fluid Technical Data Overview

It is a very powerful, effective and fragrant product for deep cleaning of fabric, vinyl, leather upholstery, carpets and plastic parts inside the vehicle. It removes unpleasant odors and provides hygiene.

It can be used easily and safely in all vehicles.

Store in a cool place.
Do not expose to direct sunlight.
Keep the packaging closed when the product is not used.
Do not mix with other chemicals.
In case of eye contact, rinse with plenty of water and consult a doctor.
Do not use for cleaning hands, face, body and foodstuffs.
Keep out of reach of children.
In case of poisoning, call the phone number 114 of the Poison Information Center (UZEM) or the number 112 of the emergency health services.

The product removes unwanted odors (smoke, animal odors, etc.) that permeate the coating, upholstery and interior of vehicles that remain dirty for a long time. It provides long-lasting freshness.

It deeply cleans stubborn dirt and stains on the interior and ceiling linings and seat upholstery of the vehicle.